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Burglova, K.; Hlavac, J.; Bartlett, J.
Synthesis of sol-gel silica particles in reverse micelles with mixed-solvent polar cores: tailoring nanoreactor structure and properties
J. Nanopart. Res. 2015, 17 (308), 1-18.

Burglova, K.; Hlavac, J.; Bartlett, J.
Synthesis of silica nanoparticles for encapsulation of oncology drugs with low water solubility: effect of processing parameters on structural evolution
J. Nanopart. Res. 2015, 17 (12), 1-11.

Burglova, K.; Bartlett, J. and Hlavac, J.
Silica nanoparticles as promising drug-delivery system for 3-Hydroxyquinolin-4(1H)-ones with anticancer activity
4th World Congress on Cancer Science & Therapy, 20-22. October, 2014, Chicago, USA, poster .

Bürglová, K.; Bartlett, J.; Hajdúch, M. and Hlaváč, J.
Advances in development of 3-Hydroxyquinolin-4(1H)-ones as novel anticancer agents
sborník abstraktů, 7.-9. listopad, 2014, Lázně Bělohrad, přednáška .