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Autorské časopisecké publikace

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Urban, M.; Sarek, J.; Tislerova, I.; Dzubak, P.; Hajduch, M.
Influence of esterification and modification of A-ring in a group of lupane acids on their cytotoxicity
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2005, 13 (19), 5527-5535.

Sarek, J.; Kvasnica, M.; Urban, M.;Klinot J.; Hajduch, M.
Correlation of cytotoxic activity of betulinines and their
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2005, 15 , 4196-4200.

Urban, M.; Sarek, J.; Klinot, J.; Korinkova, G.; Hajduch, M.
Synthesis of A-Seco Derivatives of Betulinic Acid with Cytotoxic Activity
J. Nat. Prod. 2004, 67 (7), 1100-1105.