Katedra organické chemie » Detail publikace

Detail publikace

Autor: Brulíková, L.
Název práce v češtině: Vývoj nových látek na léčbu drug-rezistentní tuberkulózy
Název práce v angličtině: Development of New Agents for the Treatment of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis
Klíčová slova v češtině: tuberkulóza, rezistence, syntéza
Klíčová slova v angličtině:tuberculosis, rezistance, synthesis
Abstrakt česky: Tuberkulóza představuje celosvětový problém. Je třeba vyvíjet nová účinější léčiva zaměřená především na léčbu drug-rezistentních kmenů TB.
Abstrakt anglicky: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a challenging global health concern. TB claims more than a million lives every year and is the world’s leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, the leading killer of people with HIV, and a leading cause of deaths related to antimicrobial resistance.1 The disease usually affects the lungs (pulmonary TB); however, extrapulmonary TB affecting other sites also exists. Primary infection by M. tuberculosis can progress to active disease. In the ideal case, it can be defeated by the host immune system. However, M. tuberculosis has the ability to adapt to the human immune system and survive latently under low-energy conditions in a nonreplicating or dormancy-like state.2 It is estimated that this latent TB infects approximately one-third of the world´s population (about two billion people).1
Although TB is preventable and curable, the alarming increase in drug-resistant tuberculosis cases dramatically complicates the treatment. Until today, multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) TB strains are significant problem for current antituberculosis therapy. It is obvious that a considerable research breakthrough is needed to rapidly reduce the incidence of TB worldwide, mainly in terms of new strategies to reduce the duration of treatment regimens, as well as the development of TB drugs that would be highly effective against drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis.
On that account, we aimed to develop new drugs highly active against drug-resistant TB strains. We focused mainly on two specific mycobacterial targets: i) mycobacterial ATP synthase representing a crucial energy source for M. tuberculosis,3 and ii) zinc metalloprotease 1 (Zmp1) virulence factor.
Jazyk v originále: angličtina
Publikace abstraktu: sborník, IL1
Forma prezentace: invited lecture
Název konference: Liblice 2022
Místo konání: Špindlerův mlýn
Datum konání: November 10 – 12
Rok konání: 2022
Způsob financování: JG_2019_002 , IGA_PrF_2021_024, IGA_PrF_2022_022